Sunday 14 October 2007


Here is an article by Stuart Munckton of the Australian paper the Green-Left Weekly, Hugo Chavez: social democrat or revolutionary?:
The line of march for the Bolivarian revolution pushed by Chavez, who elaborates on revolutionary strategy in many speeches, especially on his weekly television program Alo Presidente (when not singing folk songs), is not for the process of change to stop with reforms to Venezuela’s existing power structures. He has used reforms to weaken the political and economic power of Venezuela’s capitalist class, while at the same time strengthening the confidence and organisation of the oppressed (the workers, urban poor, campesinos, women and indigenous people) in order to replace the structures of the old society with new ones based on the oppressed themselves.

1 comment:

lil m said...

I LOVE Chavez! He is a leader with integrity and guts (and those are very rare qualities for any leader to have)...wish there were more people like him.
